Alloca and Realloc – Useful Tools, Not Ancient Relics

If you are a C/C++ programmer, you are likely familiar with malloc() and free(), the predecessors to C++’s new and delete operators, as well as the existence of the variations of malloc such as calloc, realloc and alloca.

If you are like me, you probably thought for a long while that malloc and it’s variations were relics of days gone by, only actually useful in a few very limited situations. Some of these guys still have use though, and don’t really have equivalents in C++ to replace them.

First the boring ones…
malloc – Allocates memory. Precursor to new operator.
calloc – Allocates memory and sets the contents to zero. C’s answer to the problem of uninitialized memory that constructors solve in C++.

Now the more interesting ones!


Believe it or not, alloca actually allocates memory on the stack. When your function goes out of scope, the stack memory is automatically returned to the stack due to the nature of how the stack and stack pointer work. No need to free the memory allocated with alloca, and in fact if you tried, you’d probably get a crash 😛

If you are a programmer who writes high performance applications, you are probably familiar with the benefits of using the stack instead of allocating memory on the heap with new or malloc.

The benefits of using the stack include…

  • Quicker allocations – Allocating memory can be a relatively costly operation in terms of time, especially if you have multiple threads running using the same (thread safe) allocator. Allocating memory on the stack is essentially the same cost as defining a local variable. Under the hood, it’s just moving the stack pointer a little farther and gives you that empty space to use.
  • No memory leaks – when the function you’ve allocated the stack memory in exits, that memory is automatically freed. This is because the stack pointer just “moves back” to what it used to be. There is not really any memory to free.
  • Less memory fragmentation – When mixing large and small memory allocations and frees, sometimes you end up with your memory in a state where there is a lot of memory free, but just not all together in one place. For instance, your program might need to allocate 50MB, and there may be 300MB free on the heap total, but if there are small 16 byte allocations littered in the memory every 10MB, your program won’t be able to find a single 50MB region to allocate and the allocation will fail. One common cause of this problem is small allocations used for things like relatively small arrays or small string buffer allocations that exist temporarily to copy or transform some data, but are not meant to stick around very long. If you can put these on the stack instead of the heap, those small allocations don’t hit the heap, and your memory will be less fragmented in the end.
  • Increased performance (fewer cache misses) – the contents of the stack are likely already in the CPU cache, so putting your data there means less information for the CPU to have to gather from RAM which is a slow operation.

However, there are some dangers when allocating memory on the stack as well

  • If you keep a pointer to the memory, that memory could be “freed” and re-used, getting filled with other random data (local variables). That can cause crashes, memory corruption or other strange program behavior.
  • If you allocate too much on the stack you could run out of stack space. The stack isn’t really meant to hold large amounts of allocated data. You can adjust your programs stack size though if this is a route you want to pursue.


There are some common techniques I’ve seen people use in places that could have also used alloca instead. These include…

  • Small Pool Allocators – To get around the memory fragmentation problem, sometimes people will have different memory allocators based on the size of memory being allocated. This way, small temporary allocations for things like temporary string buffers will all be allocated from one place, while larger allocations for things like textures will be allocated elsewhere. This dramatically improves the memory fragmentation issue.
  • Object Pools – Object pools are similar to small pool allocators but they work by allocating some amount of memory for specific types of objects, and have a way to remember which objects are used and which ones are free. For instance, you may dynamically allocate an array of 100 SMyStruct objects and have a flag for each to know which ones are in use and which ones aren’t. This way, the program can ask for a new object, and it can find one currently not in use and return it to the caller without needing to hit the ACTUAL memory allocator to get the data (unless all objects are spoken for, at which point it can choose to fail, or allocate a new “page” of objects to be able to hand out). This also has an interesting side effect that cache misses can drop quite a bit since the same kinds of objects will be nearer to eachother in memory.
  • DIY Stack Allocator – When I was working at Midway, a friend (Hi Shawn!) profiled the animation code and found that a lot of time was spent in allocating temporary buffers to blend bone data together. To fix this, he rolled his own stack allocator, where there was one contiguous piece of memory on the heap that could be allocated from. There was an internal index keeping track of where the “top of the stack” was, and when memory was allocated, that stack index would just move up by however many bytes were asked for. At the end of the frame, the stack index was reset to zero, thus “freeing” the memory. This dramatically improved the animation system performance by making the temporary bone blend buffer allocations essentially free.
  • Thread Specific Memory – If you are having problems where multiple threads are trying to allocate memory at the same time, causing contention and slowdowns due to thread synchronization, another option is to give each thread it’s own chunk of memory and let it allocate from that. That way there is no contention and you won’t have the slowdown of thread synchronization due to memory allocation anymore. A problem here though can be figuring out how much memory each thread needs. One thread may need a lot of memory, and another thread may need none, and you may not have any way of knowing which in advance. In this case, you’d have to allocate “a lot” of memory for each thread in advance, and pay an extra cost in memory that you technically don’t have to. But hey, at least it’s fast, maybe the trade off is worth it in your situation!

Lastly, there’s another common trick to avoid dynamic allocations involving templates, check it out!

// define the CStaticArray class
class CStaticArray
  T m_values[N];

  // you could put functions in here to do operations on the array data to make it look more like a standard
  // data type, instead of a plain vanilla array
  unsigned int Count () { return N; }

  void SomeOtherFunction () { }

void MyFunc ()
  // make an array of 32 floats
  CStaticArray m_floatArray;

  // make an array of 128 SSomeStructs
  CStaticArray m_objectArray;

  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_objectArray.Count(); ++index)

The above really shines if you have a standard API for strings or dynamic arrays in your code base. You can make a version like the above which works without dynamic allocations, but gives the same interface so it's easier for fellow programmers to use and swap in and out as needed.

Another nice benefit to the above technique is that it works for stack allocations, but you can also make them member variables of other objects. In this way, you can minimize dynamic allocations. Instead of having to dynamically allocate an object, and then dynamically allocate the array inside of it, you do a single allocation to get all the memory needed.

That is the closest thing in C++ that I've seen to alloca, but even so, alloca has the advantage that you can decide how much memory to allocate at run time. With the template method, you have to know at compile time which is fine for a lot of cases, but othertimes is a deal breaker, forcing you to have to go back to dynamic allocations (or perhaps now, alloca instead?)


Realloc is the other interesting memory allocation function.

Like I was mentioning above, the fewer allocations you can do, the better off you are in terms of performance, and also memory fragmentation.

By writing smart containers (dynamic arrays, dynamic strings, etc) you can make it so when someone tries to make a container smaller, that instead of allocating new memory that’s smaller, copying the data over, and freeing the old memory, that instead it just remembers the new size but keeps the old, larger memory around.

Then later on, if the container was told to grow, if it was smaller than the larger size from the past, it could just use some of that old memory again.

However, if that container grows larger than it used to be, you are going to have to allocate, copy, and free (costly etc) to grow the container.

Down in the guts of your computer however, there may be memory right after the current memory that’s not being used by anything else. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just say “hey… use that memory too, i don’t want to reallocate!”.

Well, realloc does ALL of the above for you without you having to write special code.

When you realloc memory, you give the old pointer and the new size, and if it’s able to, it won’t do any allocations whatsoever, and will just return you your old pointer back to you. It may allocate the next memory block for you if the new size is larger, but would still return the old pointer value in this case. Or, if the new amount of memory is smaller, it may return you back the same memory without doing anything internally (it depends on your compiler’s specific implementation of realloc what it does when)

If realloc does have to allocate new memory though, it will copy over all the old data to the new memory that it returns to you and free the old memory. So, you don’t have to CARE whether the pointer returned is old or new, just store the return value and continue on with your life.

It’s pretty cool and can help reduce actual memory allocations, lowering memory fragmentation and increasing performance.


  1. To bring OOP into this discussion don’t forget that new doesn’t have to allocate memory. You can use something like:
    //Allocate space on the stack
    void* address = alloca(sizeof(MyClass));
    //Call the constructor of MyClass at the address on the stack
    MyClass* myClass = new(address)MyClass;
    //Call the destructor of MyClass


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