Resizing Images With Bicubic Interpolation

In the last post we saw how to do cubic interpolation on a grid of data.

Strangely enough, when that grid is a grid of pixel data, bicubic interpolation is a common method for resizing images!

Bicubic interpolation can also used in realtime rendering to make textures look nicer when scaled than standard bilinear texture interpolation.

This technique works when making images larger as well as smaller, but when making images smaller, you can still have problems with aliasing. There are are better algorithms to use when making an image smaller. Check the links section at the bottom for more details!


Here’s the old man from The Legend of Zelda who gives you the sword.

Here he is scaled up 4x with nearest neighbor, bilinear interpolation and bicubic interpolation.

Here he is scaled up 16x with nearest neighbor, bilinear interpolation and bicubic interpolation.


I made a shadertoy to show you how to do this in a GLSL pixel shader as well. Shadertoy: Bicubic Texture Filtering

In the screenshot below, going from left to right it uses: Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, Lagrange Bicubic interpolation (only interpolates values, not slopes), Hermite Bicubic interpolation.

Sample Code

Here’s the code that I used to resize the images in the examples above.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>  // for bitmap headers.  Sorry non windows people!

#define CLAMP(v, min, max) if (v < min) { v = min; } else if (v > max) { v = max; } 

typedef uint8_t uint8;

struct SImageData
        : m_width(0)
        , m_height(0)
    { }

    long m_width;
    long m_height;
    long m_pitch;
    std::vector<uint8> m_pixels;

void WaitForEnter ()
    printf("Press Enter to quit");

bool LoadImage (const char *fileName, SImageData& imageData)
    // open the file if we can
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
    if (!file)
        return false;

    // read the headers if we can
    if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file) != 1 ||
        fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(infoHeader), 1, file) != 1 ||
        header.bfType != 0x4D42 || infoHeader.biBitCount != 24)
        return false;

    // read in our pixel data if we can. Note that it's in BGR order, and width is padded to the next power of 4
    fseek(file, header.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
    if (fread(&imageData.m_pixels[0], imageData.m_pixels.size(), 1, file) != 1)
        return false;

    imageData.m_width = infoHeader.biWidth;
    imageData.m_height = infoHeader.biHeight;

    imageData.m_pitch = imageData.m_width*3;
    if (imageData.m_pitch & 3)
        imageData.m_pitch &= ~3;
        imageData.m_pitch += 4;

    return true;

bool SaveImage (const char *fileName, const SImageData &image)
    // open the file if we can
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
    if (!file)
        return false;

    // make the header info

    header.bfType = 0x4D42;
    header.bfReserved1 = 0;
    header.bfReserved2 = 0;
    header.bfOffBits = 54;

    infoHeader.biSize = 40;
    infoHeader.biWidth = image.m_width;
    infoHeader.biHeight = image.m_height;
    infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    infoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
    infoHeader.biCompression = 0;
    infoHeader.biSizeImage = image.m_pixels.size();
    infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    infoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
    infoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;

    header.bfSize = infoHeader.biSizeImage + header.bfOffBits;

    // write the data and close the file
    fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file);
    fwrite(&infoHeader, sizeof(infoHeader), 1, file);
    fwrite(&image.m_pixels[0], infoHeader.biSizeImage, 1, file);
    return true;

// t is a value that goes from 0 to 1 to interpolate in a C1 continuous way across uniformly sampled data points.
// when t is 0, this will return B.  When t is 1, this will return C.  Inbetween values will return an interpolation
// between B and C.  A and B are used to calculate slopes at the edges.
float CubicHermite (float A, float B, float C, float D, float t)
    float a = -A / 2.0f + (3.0f*B) / 2.0f - (3.0f*C) / 2.0f + D / 2.0f;
    float b = A - (5.0f*B) / 2.0f + 2.0f*C - D / 2.0f;
    float c = -A / 2.0f + C / 2.0f;
    float d = B;

    return a*t*t*t + b*t*t + c*t + d;

float Lerp (float A, float B, float t)
    return A * (1.0f - t) + B * t;

const uint8* GetPixelClamped (const SImageData& image, int x, int y)
    CLAMP(x, 0, image.m_width - 1);
    CLAMP(y, 0, image.m_height - 1);    
    return &image.m_pixels[(y * image.m_pitch) + x * 3];

std::array<uint8, 3> SampleNearest (const SImageData& image, float u, float v)
    // calculate coordinates
    int xint = int(u * image.m_width);
    int yint = int(v * image.m_height);

    // return pixel
    auto pixel = GetPixelClamped(image, xint, yint);
    std::array<uint8, 3> ret;
    ret[0] = pixel[0];
    ret[1] = pixel[1];
    ret[2] = pixel[2];
    return ret;

std::array<uint8, 3> SampleLinear (const SImageData& image, float u, float v)
    // calculate coordinates -> also need to offset by half a pixel to keep image from shifting down and left half a pixel
    float x = (u * image.m_width) - 0.5f;
    int xint = int(x);
    float xfract = x - floor(x);

    float y = (v * image.m_height) - 0.5f;
    int yint = int(y);
    float yfract = y - floor(y);

    // get pixels
    auto p00 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint + 0);
    auto p10 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint + 0);
    auto p01 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint + 1);
    auto p11 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint + 1);

    // interpolate bi-linearly!
    std::array<uint8, 3> ret;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        float col0 = Lerp(p00[i], p10[i], xfract);
        float col1 = Lerp(p01[i], p11[i], xfract);
        float value = Lerp(col0, col1, yfract);
        CLAMP(value, 0.0f, 255.0f);
        ret[i] = uint8(value);
    return ret;

std::array<uint8, 3> SampleBicubic (const SImageData& image, float u, float v)
    // calculate coordinates -> also need to offset by half a pixel to keep image from shifting down and left half a pixel
    float x = (u * image.m_width) - 0.5;
    int xint = int(x);
    float xfract = x - floor(x);

    float y = (v * image.m_height) - 0.5;
    int yint = int(y);
    float yfract = y - floor(y);

    // 1st row
    auto p00 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint - 1, yint - 1);
    auto p10 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint - 1);
    auto p20 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint - 1);
    auto p30 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 2, yint - 1);

    // 2nd row
    auto p01 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint - 1, yint + 0);
    auto p11 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint + 0);
    auto p21 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint + 0);
    auto p31 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 2, yint + 0);

    // 3rd row
    auto p02 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint - 1, yint + 1);
    auto p12 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint + 1);
    auto p22 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint + 1);
    auto p32 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 2, yint + 1);

    // 4th row
    auto p03 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint - 1, yint + 2);
    auto p13 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 0, yint + 2);
    auto p23 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 1, yint + 2);
    auto p33 = GetPixelClamped(image, xint + 2, yint + 2);

    // interpolate bi-cubically!
    // Clamp the values since the curve can put the value below 0 or above 255
    std::array<uint8, 3> ret;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        float col0 = CubicHermite(p00[i], p10[i], p20[i], p30[i], xfract);
        float col1 = CubicHermite(p01[i], p11[i], p21[i], p31[i], xfract);
        float col2 = CubicHermite(p02[i], p12[i], p22[i], p32[i], xfract);
        float col3 = CubicHermite(p03[i], p13[i], p23[i], p33[i], xfract);
        float value = CubicHermite(col0, col1, col2, col3, yfract);
        CLAMP(value, 0.0f, 255.0f);
        ret[i] = uint8(value);
    return ret;

void ResizeImage (const SImageData &srcImage, SImageData &destImage, float scale, int degree)
    destImage.m_width = long(float(srcImage.m_width)*scale);
    destImage.m_height = long(float(srcImage.m_height)*scale);
    destImage.m_pitch = destImage.m_width * 3;
    if (destImage.m_pitch & 3)
        destImage.m_pitch &= ~3;
        destImage.m_pitch += 4;

    uint8 *row = &destImage.m_pixels[0];
    for (int y = 0; y < destImage.m_height; ++y)
        uint8 *destPixel = row;
        float v = float(y) / float(destImage.m_height - 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < destImage.m_width; ++x)
            float u = float(x) / float(destImage.m_width - 1);
            std::array<uint8, 3> sample;

            if (degree == 0)
                sample = SampleNearest(srcImage, u, v);
            else if (degree == 1)
                sample = SampleLinear(srcImage, u, v);
            else if (degree == 2)
                sample = SampleBicubic(srcImage, u, v);

            destPixel[0] = sample[0];
            destPixel[1] = sample[1];
            destPixel[2] = sample[2];
            destPixel += 3;
        row += destImage.m_pitch;

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    float scale = 1.0f;
    int degree = 0;

    bool showUsage = argc < 5 ||
        (sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &scale) != 1) ||
        (sscanf(argv[4], "%i", &degree) != 1);

    char *srcFileName = argv[1];
    char *destFileName = argv[2];

    if (showUsage)
        printf("Usage: <source> <dest> <scale> <degree>ndegree 0 = nearest, 1 = bilinear, 2 = bicubic.nn");
        return 1;

    printf("Attempting to resize a 24 bit image.n");
    printf("  Source = %sn  Dest = %sn  Scale = %0.2fnn", srcFileName, destFileName, scale);

    SImageData srcImage;
    if (LoadImage(srcFileName, srcImage))
        printf("%s loadedn", srcFileName);
        SImageData destImage;
        ResizeImage(srcImage, destImage, scale, degree);
        if (SaveImage(destFileName, destImage))
            printf("Resized image saved as %sn", destFileName);
            printf("Could not save resized image as %sn", destFileName);
        printf("could not read 24 bit bmp file %snn", srcFileName);
    return 0;


A small tutorial about how to load a bitmap file
The BMP Format
Reconstruction Filters in Computer Graphics

The link below talks about how to do cubic texture sampling on the GPU without having to do 16 texture reads!
GPU Gems 2 Chapter 20. Fast Third-Order Texture Filtering

This link is from Inigo Quilez, where he transforms a texture coordinate before passing it to the bilinear filtering, to get higher quality texture sampling without having to do extra texture reads. That is pretty cool.
IQ: improved texture interpolation