Dissecting “Tiny Clouds”

There is an amazing shadertoy called “Tiny Clouds” by stubbe (twitter: @Stubbesaurus) which flies you through nearly photorealistic clouds in only 10 lines of code / 280 characters (2 old sized tweets or 1 new larger sized tweet).

The code is a bit dense, so I wanted to take some time to understand it and share the explanation for anyone else who was interested. Rune (the author) kindly answered a couple questions for me as well. Thanks Rune!

Link: [SH17A] Tiny Clouds (Check out this link, it looks even more amazing in motion)

Here is the code in full. The texture in iChannel0 is just a white noise texture that is bilinearly sampled.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

BTW this shadertoy is a shrunken & reinterpreted version of a larger, more feature rich shadertoy by iq: Clouds

Before diving into the details of the code, here is how it works in short:

  • Every pixel does a ray march from far to near. It does it backwards to make for simpler alpha blending math.
  • At every ray step, it samples FBM data (fractal brownian motion) to figure out if the current position is below the surface of the cloud or above it.
  • If below, it alpha blends the pixel color with the cloud color at that point, using the vertical distance into the cloud as the cloud density.

Pretty reasonable and simple – and it would have to be, to look so good in so few characters! Let’s dig into the code.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

Line 1 is a define that we’ll come back to and line 2 is just a minimal definition of the mainImage function.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

On line 3 several variables are declared:

  • p – this is the variable that holds the position of the ray during the ray march. It isn’t initialized here, but that’s ok because the position is calculated each step in the loop. It is interesting to see that the y component of p is never used. p.x is actually depth into the screen, p.z is the screen x axis, and p.w is the screen y axis (aka the up axis). I believe that the axis choices and the fact that the y component is never used is purely to make the code smaller.
  • d – this is the direction that the ray for this pixel travels in. It uses the same axis conventions as p, and the y component is also never used (except implicitly for calculating p.y, which is never used). 0.8 is subtracted from d.z and d.w (the screen x and screen y axes). Interestingly that makes the screen x axis 0 nearly centered on the screen. It also points the screen y axis downward a bit, putting the 0 value near the top of the screen to make the camera look more downward at the clouds.
  • c – this is the color of the sky, which is a nice sky blue. It’s initialized with constants in x and y, and then d is used for z and w. d.xy goes into c.zw. That gives c the 0.8 value in the z field. I’m sure it was done this way because it’s fewer characters to initialize using “d” compared to “.8,0.” for the same effect. Note that c.w is used to calculate O.w (O.a) but that the alpha channel of the output pixel value is currently ignored by shadertoy, so this is a meaningless by product of the code, not a desired feature.
#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

Line 4 initializes the output pixel color to be the sky color (c), but then subtracts d.w which is the pixel’s ray march direction on the screen y axis. This has a nice effect of making a nice sky blue gradient.

To see this in action, here we set O to c:

Here we set O to c-d.w:

It gets darker blue towards the top – where d.w is positive – because a positive number is being subtracted from the sky color. The color values get smaller.

It gets lighter towards the bottom – where d.w is negative – because a negative number is being subtracted from the sky color. The color values get larger.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

On line 5, the for loop for ray marching starts. A few things happen here:

  • f is declared – f is the signed vertical distance from the current point in space to the cloud. If negative, it means that the point is inside the cloud. If positive, it means that the point is outside (above) the cloud. It isn’t initialized here, but it’s calculated each iteration of the loop so that’s fine.
  • s is declared – s is a scale value for use with the FBM data. FBMs work by sampling multiple octaves of data. You scale up the position and scale down the value for each octave. s is that scale value, used for both purposes. This isn’t initialized but is calculated each frame so that’s fine.
  • t is declared and initialized – t (aka ray march step index) is initialized to 2e2 aka 200. It was done this way because “2e2” is smaller than “200.” by one character. Note that the for loop takes t from 200 to 0. The ray marching happens back to front to simplify alpha blending. The sin(dot(x,x)) part I want to talk about briefly below.
  • p is calculated – p (aka the position in the current step of the ray march) is calculated, and this happens every step of the loop. p is t (time) multiplied by the direction of the ray for this pixel, and multiplied by .05 to scale it down.

The reason that sin(dot(x,x)) is added to the “ray time” is because the ray is marching through voxelized data (boxes). Unlike boxes, clouds are supposed to look organic, and not geometric. A way to fight the problem of the data looking boxy is to add a little noise to each ray to break up the geometric pattern. You can either literally add some noise to the result, or do what this shader does, which is add some noise to the starting position of the ray so that neighboring rays will cross the box (voxel) boundaries at different times and will look noisy instead of geometric.

I can’t see a difference when removing this from the shader, and other people have said the same. Rune says in the comments that it’d be on the chopping block for sure if he needed to shave off some more characters. He reached his 280 character goal, so no there is no need to remove it.

For what it’s worth, here is that expression visualized in the blue channel. the -1 to +1 is mapped to 0 to 1 by multiplying it by a half and adding a half:

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

Line 6 adds the current time to p.x and p.z. Remember that the x component is the axis pointing into the screen and the z component is the screen space x axis, so this line of code moves the camera forward and to the right over time.

If you are wondering why the lines in the for loop end in a comma instead of a semicolon, the reason is because if a semicolon was used instead, the for loop would require two more characters: “{” and “}” to show where the scope of the loop started and ended. Ending the lines with commas mean it’s one long statement, so the single line version of a for loop can be used. An interesting trick 😛

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

Line 7 sets / initializes s to 2. Remember that s is used as the octave scale for sample position and resulting value. That will come into play in the next line.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

First let’s look at line 1, which is the “T” macro.

That macro samples the texture (which is just white noise) at a position described by the current ray position in the ray march. the s variable is used to scale up the position, and it’s also used to scale down the noise value at that position. The same position involves p.zw which is the screen space x and y axis respectively, but also includes p.x which is the axis pointing into the screen. This maps a 3d coordinate to a 2d texture location. I have tried making the shader sample a 3d white noise texture instead of doing this and get what looks to be the same quality results.

The macro also multiplies s by 2 each sample, so that the next sample will sample the next octave.

An interesting part of this texture coordinate conversion from 3d to 2d though is that the x component is ceil’d(the axis that goes into the screen). I’m not sure if there is any logic to this other than it’s a way to transform the 3d coordinates into a 2d one for the texture lookup.

Below is what it looks like without the ceil in the macro for s*p.x. It stretches the noise in a weird way.

The uv coordinates sampled are divided by 2e2 (which is 200, but again, fewer characters than “200.”). I believe this value of 200 matches the number of ray march steps intentionally, so that the ray marches across the entire texture (with wrap around) each time.

Line 8 uses this macro. We set f to be p.w, which is the ray’s height. 1 is added to the height which moves the camera up one unit. Lastly, the T macro is used to subtract 4 octaves of noise from f.

The result of this is that f gives us a signed distance to the cloud on the vertical axis. In other words, f tells us how far above or below the surface of the clouds we are. A positive value means the position is above the clouds, and a negative value means the position is below the clouds.

#define T texture(iChannel0,(s*p.zw+ceil(s*p.x))/2e2).y/(s+=s)*4.
void mainImage(out vec4 O,vec2 x){
    vec4 p,d=vec4(.8,0,x/iResolution.y-.8),c=vec4(.6,.7,d);
    for(float f,s,t=2e2+sin(dot(x,x));--t>0.;p=.05*t*d)

Line 10 is the close of the function, so line 9 is the last meaningful line of code.

This line of code says:

  • If f less than zero (“If the point is inside the cloud”)
  • Then add “some formula” to the pixel color (more info on that in a moment)
  • Else, “O”. This is a dummy statement with no side effects that is there to satisfy the ternary operator syntax with a minimal number of characters.

I was looking at that formula for a while, trying to figure it out. I was thinking maybe it was something like a cheaper function fitting of some more complex light scattering / absorption function.

I asked Rune and he explained it. All it’s doing is doing an alpha blend (a lerp) from the current pixel color to the color of the cloud at this position. If you do the lerp mathematically, expand the function and combine terms, you get the above. Here’s his explanation from twitter (link to twitter thread):

Alpha blending between accumulated color (O) and incoming cloud color (1+f*c.zyxw). Note density (f) is negative:
O = lerp(O, 1+f*c.zyxw, -f*.4)
O = O * (1+f*.4) + (1+f*c.zyxw)*-f*.4
O = O + O*f*.4 + (1+f*c.zyxw)*-f*.4
O = O + (O-1-f*c.zyxw)*f*.4
O += (O-1-f*c.zyxw)*f*.4

Remember the marching is from far to near which simplifies the calculations quite a bit. If the marching was reversed then you would also need to keep track of an accumulated density.

One obvious question then would be: why is “1+f*c.zyxw” the cloud color of the current sample?

One thing that helps clear that up is that f is negative. if you make “f” mean “density” and flip it’s sign, the equation becomes: “1-density*c.zyxw”

We can then realize that “1” when interpreted as a vec4 is the color white, and that c is the sky color. We can also throw out the w since we (and shadertoy) don’t care about the alpha channel. We can also replace x,y,z with r,g,b. That makes the equation become: “white-density*skycolor.bgr”

In that equation, when density is 0, all we are left with is white. As density increases, the color gets darker.

The colors are the reversed sky color, because the sky color is (0.6, 0.7, 0.8). if we used the sky color instead of the reversed sky color, you can see that blue would drop away faster than green, which would drop away faster than red. If you do that, the clouds turn a reddish color like you can see here:

I’m not an expert in atmospheric rendering (check links at the bottom for more info on that!), but it looks more natural and correct for it to do the reverse. What we really want is for red to drop off the quickest, then green, then blue. I believe a more correct thing to do would be to subtract sky color from 1.0 and use that color to multiply density by. However, reversing the color channels works fine in this case, so no need to spend the extra characters!

Another obvious question might be: why is the amount of lerp “-f*.4”?

It probably looks strange to see a negative value in a lerp amount, but remembering that f is negative when it’s inside a cloud means that it’s a positive value, multiplied by 0.4 to make it smaller. It’s just scaling the density a bit.

Other Notes

Using bilinear interpolation of the texture makes a big difference. If you switch the texture to using nearest neighbor point sampling you get something like this which looks very boxy. It looks even more boxy when it’s in motion.

One thing I wanted to try when understanding this shader was to try to replace the white noise texture lookup with a white noise function. It does indeed work as you can see below, but it got noticeably slower on my machine doing that. I’m so used to things being texture bound that getting rid of texture reads is usually a win. I didn’t stop to think that in this situation all that was happening was compute and no texture reads. In a more fully featured renderer, you may indeed find yourself texture read bound, and moving it out of a texture read could help speed things up – profile and see! It’s worth noting that to get proper results you need to discretize your noise function into a grid and use bilinear interpolation between the values – mimicing what the texture read does. Check my unpacked version of the shader in the links section for more details!

Something kind of fun is that you can replace the white noise texture with other textures. The results seem to be pretty good usually! Below is where i made the shadertoy use the “Abstract1” image as a source. The clouds got a lot more soft.

Thanks for reading. Anything that I got wrong or missed, please let me and the other readers know!


Here is my unpacked version of the shader, which includes the option to use a white noise function instead of a white noise texture: Tiny Clouds: Unpacked & No Tex

Here are two great links for more information on how to render atmospheric and volumetric effects:

Volumetric Atmospheric Scattering

Creating a Volumetric Ray Marcher

Demystifying Floating Point Precision

Floating point numbers have limited precision. If you are a game programmer, you have likely encountered bugs where things start breaking after too much time has elapsed, or after something has moved too far from the origin.

This post aims to show you how to answer the questions:

  1. What precision do I have at a number?
  2. When will I hit precision issues?

First, a very quick look at the floating point format.

Floating Point Format

Floating point numbers (Wikipedia: IEEE 754) have three components:

  1. Sign bit – whether the number is positive or negative
  2. Exponent bits – the magnitude of the number
  3. Mantissa bits – the fractional bits

32 bit floats use 1 bit for sign, 8 bits for exponent and 23 bits for mantissa. Whatever number is encoded in the exponent bits, you subtract 127 to get the actual exponent, meaning the exponent can be from -126 to +127.

64 bit doubles use 1 bit for sign, 11 bits for exponent and 52 bits for mantissa. Whatever number is encoded in the exponent bits, you subtract 1023 to get the actual exponent, meaning the exponent can be from -1022 to +1023.

16 bit half floats use 1 bit for sign, 5 bits for exponent and 10 bits for mantissa. Whatever number is encoded in the exponent bits, you subtract 15 to get the actual exponent, meaning the exponent can be from -14 to +15.

For all of the above, an exponent of all zeros has the special meaning “exponent 0” (and this is where the denormals / subnormals come into play) and all ones has the special meaning “infinity”

The exponent bits tell you which power of two numbers you are between – [2^{exponent}, 2^{exponent+1}) – and the mantissa tells you where you are in that range.

What precision do I have at a number?

Let’s look at the number 3.5.

To figure out the precision we have at that number, we figure out what power of two range it’s between and then subdivide that range using the mantissa bits.

3.5 is between 2 and 4. That means we are diving the range of numbers 2 to 4 using the mantissa bits. A float has 23 bits of mantissa, so the precision we have at 3.5 is:

\frac{4-2}{2^{23}} = \frac{2}{8388608} \approx 0.000000238418579

3.5 itself is actually exactly representable by a float, double or half, but the amount of precision numbers have at that scale is that value. The smallest number you can add or subtract to a value between 2 and 4 is that value. That is the resolution of the values you are working with when working between 2 and 4 using a float.

Using a double instead of a float gives us 52 bits of mantissa, making the precision:

\frac{4-2}{2^{52}} = \frac{2}{4503599627370496} \approx 0.00000000000000044408921

Using a half float with 10 bits of mantissa it becomes:

\frac{4-2}{2^{10}} = \frac{2}{1024} = 0.001953125

Here’s a table showing the amount of precision you get with each data type at various exponent values. N/A is used when an exponent is out of range for the specific data type.

\begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c} exponent & range & half & float & double \\ \hline 0 & [1,2) & 0.0009765625 & 0.00000011920929 & 0.0000000000000002220446 \\ 1 & [2,4) & 0.001953125 & 0.000000238418579 & 0.00000000000000044408921 \\ 2 & [4,8) & 0.00390625 & 0.000000476837158 & 0.00000000000000088817842 \\ 9 & [512, 1024) & 0.5 & 0.00006103515 & 0.00000000000011368684 \\ 10 & [1024,2048) & 1 & 0.00012207031 & 0.00000000000022737368 \\ 11 & [2048,4096) & 2 & 0.00024414062 & 0.00000000000045474735 \\ 12 & [4096,8192) & 4 & 0.00048828125 & 0.0000000000009094947 \\ 15 & [32768, 65536) & 32 & 0.00390625 & 0.0000000000072759576 \\ 16 & [65536, 131072) & N/A & 0.0078125 & 0.0000000000014551915 \\ 17 & [131072, 262144) & N/A & 0.015625 & 0.00000000002910383 \\ 18 & [262144, 524288) & N/A & 0.03125 & 0.000000000058207661 \\ 19 & [524288, 1048576) & N/A & 0.0625 & 0.00000000011641532 \\ 23 & [8388608,16777216) & N/A & 1 & 0.00000000186264515 \\ 52 & [4503599627370496, 9007199254740992) & N/A & 536870912 & 1 \\ \end{array}

A quick note on the maximum number you can store in floating point numbers, by looking at the half float specifically:

A half float has a maximum exponent of 15, which you can see above puts the number range between 32768 and 65536. The precision is 32 which is the smallest step that can be made in a half float at that scale. That range includes the smaller number but not the larger number. That means that the largest number a half float can store is one step away (32) from the high side of that range. So, the largest number that can be stored is 65536 – 32 = 65504.

How Many Digits Can I Rely On?

Another helpful way of looking at floating point precision is how many digits of precision you can rely on.

A float has 23 bits of mantissa, and 2^23 is 8,388,608. 23 bits let you store all 6 digit numbers or lower, and most of the 7 digit numbers. This means that floating point numbers have between 6 and 7 digits of precision, regardless of exponent.

That means that from 0 to 1, you have quite a few decimal places to work with. If you go into the hundreds or thousands, you’ve lost a few. When you get up into the tens of millions, you’ve run out of digits for anything beyond the decimal place.

You can actually see that this is true in the table in the last section. With floating point numbers, it’s at exponent 23 (8,388,608 to 16,777,216) that the precision is at 1. The smallest value that you can add to a floating point value in that range is in fact 1. It’s at this point that you have lost all precision to the right of the decimal place. Interestingly, you still have perfect precision of the integers though.

Half floats have 10 mantissa bits and 2^10 = 1024, so they just barely have 3 digits of precision.

Doubles have 52 mantissa bits and 2^52 = 4,503,599,627,370,496. That means doubles have between 15 and 16 digits of precision.

This can help you understand how precision will break down for you when using a specific data type for a specific magnitude of numbers.

When will I hit precision issues?

Besides the loose rules above about how many digits of precision you can count on, you can also solve to see when precision will break down for you.

Let’s say that you are tracking how long your game has been running (in seconds), and you do so by adding your frame delta (in seconds) to a variable every frame.

If you have a 30fps game, your frame delta is going to be 0.0333.

Adding that each frame to a float will eventually cause the float to reach a value where that number is smaller than the smallest difference representable (smaller than the precision), at which point things will start breaking. At first your accuracy will drop and your time will be wrong, but eventually adding your frame delta to the current time won’t even change the value of the current time. Time will effectively stop!

When will this happen though?

We’ll start with the formula we saw earlier and do one step of simple algebra to get us an equation which can give us this answer.

\frac{range}{mantissa} = precision \\ \\ range = mantissa * precision

How we use this formula is we put the precision we want into “precision” and we put the size of the mantissa (2^{MantissaBits}) into “mantissa”. The result tells us the range that we’ll get the precision at.

Let’s plug in our numbers:

range = 8388608 * 0.0333 = 279340.6464

This tells us the range of the floating point numbers where we’ll have our problems, but this isn’t the value that we’ll have our problems at, so we have another step to do. We need to find what exponent has this range.

Looking at the table earlier in the post you might notice that the range at an exponent also happens to be just 2^{exponent}.

That’s helpful because that just means we take log2 of the answer we got:

log2(279340.6464) = 18.0916659875

Looking at the table again, we can see that floating point numbers have a precision of 0.03125 at exponent value 18. So, exponent 18 is close, but it’s precision is smaller than what we want – aka the precision is still ok.

That means we need to ceil() the number we got from the log2.

Doing that, we see that things break down at exponent 19, which has precision of 0.0625. This actual value it has this problem at is 528,288 (which is 2^{19}).

So, our final formula for “where does precision become this value?” becomes:

value = pow(2, ceil(log2(mantissa * precision)))

Note that at exponent 18, there is still imprecision happening. When adding 1/30 to 264144, It goes from 264144 to 264144.031 to 264144.063, instead of 264144, 264144.033, 264144.066. There is error, but it’s fairly small.

At exponent 19 though, things fall apart a lot more noticeably. When adding 1/30 to 528288, it goes from 528288 to 528288.063 to 528288.125. Time is actually moving almost twice as fast in this case!

At exponent 20, we start at 1056576.00 and adding 1/30 doesn’t even change the value. Time is now stopped.

It does take 6.1 days (528,288 seconds) to reach exponent 19 though, so that’s quite a long time.

If we use half floats, it falls apart at value 64. That’s right, it only takes 64 seconds for this to fall apart when using 16 bit half floats, compared to 6.1 days when using 32 bit floats!

With doubles, it falls apart at value 281,474,976,710,656. That is 8,925,512 years!

Let’s check out that equation again:

value = pow(2, ceil(log2(mantissa * precision)))

A possibly more programmer friendly way to do the above would be to calculate mantissa * precision and then round up to the next power of 2. That’s exactly what the formula is doing above, but in math terms, not programming terms.

Storing Integers

I recently learned that floating point numbers can store integers surprisingly well. It blows my mind that I never knew this. Maybe you are in the same boat 😛

Here’s the setup:

  1. For any exponent, the range of numbers it represents is a power of 2.
  2. The mantissa will always divide that range into a power of 2 different values.

It might take some time and/or brain power to soak that up (it did for me!) but what that ends up ultimately meaning is that floating point numbers can exactly represent a large number of integers.

In fact, a floating point number can EXACTLY store all integers from -2^{MantissaBits+1} to +2^{MantissaBits+1}.

For half floats that means you can store all integers between (and including) -2048 to +2048. (\pm 2^{11})

For floats, it’s -16,777,216 to +16,777,216. (\pm 2^{24})

For doubles it’s -9,007,199,254,740,992 to +9,007,199,254,740,992. (\pm 2^{53})

Doubles can in fact exactly represent any 32 bit unsigned integer, since 2^32 = 4,294,967,296.


Here are some links you might find interesting!

Floating point visually explained:

What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic:

A matter of precision:

Denormal numbers – aka very small numbers that make computations slow when you use them:

Catastrophic Cancellation – a problem you can run into when doing floating point math:

A handy web page that lets you play with the binary representation of a float and what number it comes out as:

Half precision floating point format:

What is the first integer that a float is incapable of representing?

Ready to go deeper? Bruce Dawson has some amazing write ups on deeper floating point issues:

This talks about how to use floating point precision limits as an activation function in a neural network (?!)

My Old Master: On Optimism

The “My Old Master” posts are non technical posts in reference to my karate (shaolin kempo) teacher, and the things he taught my friends and I over a decade to be martial artists (peaceful warriors), instructors, and better human beings.

I’ve been in a funk for a few weeks – ever since the time change.

Several things have aligned just so to make things particularly shitty, such as the children being sick, them not sleeping, our son transitioning to preschool, holiday and other responsibilities eating up the almost non existent free time, and perhaps most of all, me missing/skipping my weekly exercise routine.

I’m starting to recover (sleep and exercise have been helping a lot) but in doing so, I’m reminded of some things “my old master” told me on the topic of optimism, that I think are worth sharing.

As time passes, I see more and more about how the most successful people use “brain hacks” to help them ensure success. It’s weird to think of your brain and your instincts as tools to leverage to your advantage but they totally are.

As a quick example, if you are aiming to eat fewer sweets, making sure you don’t have any around the house is a great first step to achieving your goal.

Ages and ages of evolution of our species have hard wired us to go after those calories so you don’t starve. It’s very very difficult (read: impossible) to combat that. The best thing to do is to not even have the option.

This is a hack to help you succeed in your goal.

Optimism, But Not Blind Optimism

Just like in the sweets example, optimism can be a great tool for achieving your goals, but as we all know, blind optimism is foolish and can definitely negatively impact your goals.

To reconcile these two things, we should “Expect the best, but plan for the worst”.

This makes us optimistic, but if things go wrong, we aren’t completely blindsided and unprepared.

Why should we be optimistic to begin with though?

Because: “You get what you expect”

Imagine your neighbors dog is consistently pooping near your house and the owner is not cleaning it up. You decide it’s time to confront them about it and go knock on their door.

There’s two ways you might go into this situation.

The first way might be, you are pissed, and you expect a fight. They open the door, see you angry, immediately their “guard goes up” and there’s little chance the outcome will be anything other than an awful experience for one or both of you. The person may even make it a point to have their dog poop on your lawn and not clean it up.

The second way might be that you realize you’ve seen your neighbor playing with their kids, being a good parent, and that in general they seem like a good natured person and a good neighbor except for this one issue. Because of this, you figure the conversation will be completely peaceful, it will be totally fine, and your neighbor will “get it”. They open the door, see you smiling and hear you using a friendly respectful tone, and they respond similarly. Perhaps they are embarrassed about it even, and profusely apologize.

It’s definitely true that neither of these situations are guaranteed to play out like this, but the odds are improved that they will.

Improving the odds for getting what you want is a good thing. If you don’t go into it blindly (prepare for the worst), you are also in a reasonable position if things don’t go like you want them to.

Finding The Positive

There are negatives and positives to every situation. Whichever you focus on is up to you.

Imagine yourself in a dark room where there is sewage in one corner and a pile of shiny gold in the other. You have a flash light. Which are you going to look at?

Whatever you choose to focus on will rattle around in your head and become amplified. This is the story about there being two wolves in us, and whichever we feed is the one that gets stronger.

You may notice this in yourself in fact. Have you ever dwelled on something negative only to have it get worse and worse in your mind, til it was unbearable and causes you to do something? Perhaps quiting a job, telling someone off, or similar? Maybe you have some of this going on right now somewhere in your life?

Recognizing and disrupting those patterns can help you keep from over-reacting or incorrectly reacting to situations, both of which are inappropriate because of the fact (and identified by the fact…) that they actually set you back towards achieving your goals.

Taking this mental life hack a bit further, there are concepts to help you visualize your goals, how you are going to achieve those goals, and constantly remind you of these things.

A vision board is one such example. You find imagery that speaks to you and reminds you of what you want, and how you are going to get there, and you put it somewhere highly visible to you that you see every day.

Seeing this stuff daily ingrains in your mind what it is you want to do and how you are going to do it. Any opportunities that come up that help you get closer will more easily be identified and you’ll be in a better position to take them. “Luck is where opportunity meets preparedness”.

For me, this blog is in many ways similar to a vision board. Besides being external memory (for me to re-learn things) and a resume helper, it also helps me remember that I am experienced, skilled and decently talented – or at least persistent enough to achieve meaningful things.

We humans sometime look at how others see us to get an idea of ourselves and base our self worth on that. That is a pretty awful idea though, as other people don’t know always what we are capable of, and frankly probably don’t even care, as they have their own agenda and goals.

Whatever you can do to help you visualize your goals and how you are going to achieve them is going to help you succeed.

If you ever find yourself in a funk, I highly recommend these three things:

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep
  • Make sure you are getting some exercise (an hour martial arts class a week is enough for me to feel the benefits!)
  • Look to see if you are having any cyclical negative thoughts. If so, see if you can break out of them by turning your flashlight onto the gold, instead of the poop. Possibly using something like a vision board, or whatever works for you.

Thanks for reading!

Animating Noise For Integration Over Time 2: Uniform Over Time

After I put out the last post, Mikkel Gjoel (@pixelmager), made an interesting observation that you can see summarized in his image below. (tweet / thread here)

BTW Mikkel has an amazing presentation about rendering the beautiful game “Inside” that you should check out. Lots of interesting techniques used, including some enlightening uses of noise.
YouTube –
Low Complexity, High Fidelity: The Rendering of INSIDE

The images left to right are:

  • One frame of white noise
  • N frames of white noise averaged.
  • N frames averaged where the first frame is white noise, and a per frame random number is added to all pixels every frame.
  • N frames averaged where the first frame is white noise, and 1/N is added to all pixels every frame.
  • N frames averaged where the first frame is white noise, and the golden ratio is added to all pixels every frame.

In the above, the smoother and closer to middle grey that an image is, the better it is – that means it converged to the true result of the integral better.

Surprisingly it looks like adding 1/N outperforms the golden ratio, which means that regular spaced samples are outperforming a low discrepancy sequence!

To compare apples to apples, we’ll do the “golden ratio” tests we did last post, but instead do them with adding this uniform value instead.

To be explicit, there are 8 frames and they are:

  • Frame 0: The noise
  • Frame 1: The noise + 1/8
  • Frame 2: The noise + 2/8
  • Frame 7: the noise + 7/8

Modulus is used to keep the values between 0 and 1.

Below is how white noise looks animated with golden ratio (top) vs uniform values (bottom). There are 8 frames and it’s played at 8fps so it loops every second.

Interleaved Gradient Noise. Top is golden ratio, bottom is uniform.

Blue Noise. Top is golden ratio, bottom is uniform.

The uniform ones look pretty similar. Maybe a little smoother, but it’s hard to tell by just looking at it. Interestingly, the frequency content of the blue noise seems more stable using these uniform values instead of golden ratio.

The histogram data of the noise was the same for all frames of animation, just like in last post, which is a good thing. The important bit is that adding a uniform value doesn’t modify the histogram shape, other than changing which counts go to which specific buckets. Ideally the histogram would start out perfectly even like the blue noise does, but since this post is about the “adding uniform values” process, and not about the starting noise, this shows that the process does the right thing with the histogram.

  • White Noise – min 213, max 306, average 256, std dev 16.51
  • Interleaved Gradient Noise – min 245, max 266, average 256, std dev 2.87
  • Blue Noise – min, max, average are 256, std dev 0.

Let’s look at the integrated animations.

White noise. Top is golden ratio, bottom is uniform.

Interleaved gradient noise. Top is golden ratio, bottom is uniform.

Blue noise. Top is golden ratio, bottom is uniform.

The differences between these animations are subtle unless you know what you are looking for specifically so let’s check out the final frames and the error graphs.

Each noise comparison below has three images. The first image is the “naive” way to animate the noise. The second uses golden ratio instead. The third one uses 1/N. The first two images (and techniques) are from (and explained in) the last post, and the third image is the technique from this post.

White noise. Naive (top), golden ratio (mid), uniform (bottom).

Interleaved gradient noise. Naive (top), golden ratio (mid), uniform (bottom).

Blue noise. Naive (top), golden ratio (mid), uniform (bottom).

So, what’s interesting is that the uniform sampling over time has lower error and standard deviation (variance) than golden ratio, which has less than the naive method. However, it’s only at the end that the uniform sampling over time has the best results, and it’s actually quite terrible until then.

The reason for this is that uniform has good coverage over the sample space, but it takes until the last frame to get that good coverage because each frame takes a small step over the remaining sample space.

What might work out better would be if our first frame was the normal noise, but then the second frame was the normal noise plus a half, so we get the most information we possibly can from that sample by splitting the sample space in half. We would then want to cut the two halves of the space space in half, and so the next two frames would be the noise plus 1/4 and the noise plus 3/4. We would then continue with 1/8, 5/8, 3/8 and 7/8 (note we didn’t do these 1/8 steps in order. We did it in the order that gives us the most information the most quickly!). At the end of all this, we would have our 8 uniformly spaced samples over time, but we would have taken the samples in an order that makes our intermediate frames look better hopefully.

Now, interestingly, that number sequence I just described has a name. It’s the base 2 Van Der Corput sequence, which is a type of low discrepancy sequence. It’s also the 1D version of the Halton sequence, and is related to other sequences as well. More info here: When Random Numbers Are Too Random: Low Discrepancy Sequences

Mikkel mentioned he thought this would be helpful, and I was thinking the same thing too. Let’s see how it does!

White noise. Uniform (top), Van Der Corput (bottom).

Interleaved gradient noise. Uniform (top), Van Der Corput (bottom).

Blue noise. Uniform (top), Van Der Corput (bottom).

The final frames look the same as before (and the same as each other), so I won’t show those again but here are the updated graphs.

Interestingly, using the Van Der Corput sequence has put intermediate frames more in line with golden ratio, while of course still being superior at the final frame.

I’ve been trying to understand why uniform sampling over time out performs the golden ratio which acts more like blue noise over time. I still don’t grasp why it works as well as it does, but the proof is in the pudding.

Theoretically, this uniform sampling over time should lead to the possibility of aliasing on the time axis, since blue noise / white noise (and other randomness) get rid of the aliasing in exchange for noise.

Noise over the time dimension would mean missing details that were smaller than the sample spacing size. in our case, we are using the time sampled values (noise + uniform value) to threshold a source image to make a sample. It may be that since we are thresholding, that aliasing isn’t possible since our sample represents everything below or equal to the value?

I’m not really sure, but will be thinking about it for a while. If you have any insights please let me know!

It would be interesting to try an actual 1d blue noise sequence and see how it compares. If it does better, it sounds like it would be worth while to try jittering the uniform sampled values on the time axis to try and approximate blue noise a bit. Mikkel tried the jittering and said it gave significantly worse results, so that seems like a no go.

Lastly, some other logical experiments from here seem to be…

  • See how other forms of noise and ordered dithers do, including perhaps a Bayer Matrix. IG noise seems to naturally do better on the time axis for some reason I don’t fully understand yet. There may be some interesting properties of other noise waiting to be found.
  • Do we get any benefits in this context by arranging the interleaved gradient noise in a spiral like Jorge mentions in his presentation? (Next Generation Post Processing In Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare
  • It would be interesting to see how this works in a more open ended case – such as if you had temporal AA which was averaging a variable number of pixels each frame. Would doing a van Der Corput sequence give good results there? Would you keep track of sample counts per pixel and keep marching the Van Der Corput forward for each pixel individually? Or would you just pick something like an 8 Van Der Corput sequence, adding the current sequence to all pixels and looping that sequence every 8 frames? It really would be interesting to see what is best in that sort of a setup.

I’m sure there are all sorts of other things to try to. This is a deep, interesting and important topic for graphics and beyond (:


Source code below, but it’s also available on github, along with the source images used: Github:


#include <windows.h>  // for bitmap headers.  Sorry non windows people!
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <complex>
#include <array>

typedef uint8_t uint8;

const float c_pi = 3.14159265359f;

// settings
const bool c_doDFT = true;

// globals 
FILE* g_logFile = nullptr;

inline float Lerp (float A, float B, float t)
    return A * (1.0f - t) + B * t;

struct SImageData
    SImageData ()
        : m_width(0)
        , m_height(0)
    { }
    size_t m_width;
    size_t m_height;
    size_t m_pitch;
    std::vector<uint8> m_pixels;
struct SColor
    SColor (uint8 _R = 0, uint8 _G = 0, uint8 _B = 0)
        : R(_R), G(_G), B(_B)
    { }

    inline void Set (uint8 _R, uint8 _G, uint8 _B)
        R = _R;
        G = _G;
        B = _B;
    uint8 B, G, R;

struct SImageDataComplex
    SImageDataComplex ()
        : m_width(0)
        , m_height(0)
    { }
    size_t m_width;
    size_t m_height;
    std::vector<std::complex<float>> m_pixels;
std::complex<float> DFTPixel (const SImageData &srcImage, size_t K, size_t L)
    std::complex<float> ret(0.0f, 0.0f);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < srcImage.m_width; ++x)
        for (size_t y = 0; y < srcImage.m_height; ++y)
            // Get the pixel value (assuming greyscale) and convert it to [0,1] space
            const uint8 *src = &srcImage.m_pixels[(y * srcImage.m_pitch) + x * 3];
            float grey = float(src[0]) / 255.0f;
            // Add to the sum of the return value
            float v = float(K * x) / float(srcImage.m_width);
            v += float(L * y) / float(srcImage.m_height);
            ret += std::complex<float>(grey, 0.0f) * std::polar<float>(1.0f, -2.0f * c_pi * v);
    return ret;
void ImageDFT (const SImageData &srcImage, SImageDataComplex &destImage)
    // NOTE: this function assumes srcImage is greyscale, so works on only the red component of srcImage.
    // ImageToGrey() will convert an image to greyscale.
    // size the output dft data
    destImage.m_width = srcImage.m_width;
    destImage.m_height = srcImage.m_height;
    size_t numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
    //if (numThreads > 0)
        //numThreads = numThreads - 1;
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    printf("Doing DFT with %zu threads...\n", numThreads);
    // calculate 2d dft (brute force, not using fast fourier transform) multithreadedly
    std::atomic<size_t> nextRow(0);
    for (std::thread& t : threads)
        t = std::thread(
            [&] ()
                size_t row = nextRow.fetch_add(1);
                bool reportProgress = (row == 0);
                int lastPercent = -1;
                while (row < srcImage.m_height)
                    // calculate the DFT for every pixel / frequency in this row
                    for (size_t x = 0; x < srcImage.m_width; ++x)
                        destImage.m_pixels[row * destImage.m_width + x] = DFTPixel(srcImage, x, row);
                    // report progress if we should
                    if (reportProgress)
                        int percent = int(100.0f * float(row) / float(srcImage.m_height));
                        if (lastPercent != percent)
                            lastPercent = percent;
                            printf("            \rDFT: %i%%", lastPercent);
                    // go to the next row
                    row = nextRow.fetch_add(1);
    for (std::thread& t : threads)
void GetMagnitudeData (const SImageDataComplex& srcImage, SImageData& destImage)
    // size the output image
    destImage.m_width = srcImage.m_width;
    destImage.m_height = srcImage.m_height;
    destImage.m_pitch = 4 * ((srcImage.m_width * 24 + 31) / 32);
    // get floating point magnitude data
    std::vector<float> magArray;
    float maxmag = 0.0f;
    for (size_t x = 0; x < srcImage.m_width; ++x)
        for (size_t y = 0; y < srcImage.m_height; ++y)
            // Offset the information by half width & height in the positive direction.
            // This makes frequency 0 (DC) be at the image origin, like most diagrams show it.
            int k = (x + (int)srcImage.m_width / 2) % (int)srcImage.m_width;
            int l = (y + (int)srcImage.m_height / 2) % (int)srcImage.m_height;
            const std::complex<float> &src = srcImage.m_pixels[l*srcImage.m_width + k];
            float mag = std::abs(src);
            if (mag > maxmag)
                maxmag = mag;
            magArray[y*srcImage.m_width + x] = mag;
    if (maxmag == 0.0f)
        maxmag = 1.0f;
    const float c = 255.0f / log(1.0f+maxmag);
    // normalize the magnitude data and send it back in [0, 255]
    for (size_t x = 0; x < srcImage.m_width; ++x)
        for (size_t y = 0; y < srcImage.m_height; ++y)
            float src = c * log(1.0f + magArray[y*srcImage.m_width + x]);
            uint8 magu8 = uint8(src);
            uint8* dest = &destImage.m_pixels[y*destImage.m_pitch + x * 3];
            dest[0] = magu8;
            dest[1] = magu8;
            dest[2] = magu8;

bool ImageSave (const SImageData &image, const char *fileName)
    // open the file if we can
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
    if (!file) {
        printf("Could not save %s\n", fileName);
        return false;
    // make the header info
    header.bfType = 0x4D42;
    header.bfReserved1 = 0;
    header.bfReserved2 = 0;
    header.bfOffBits = 54;
    infoHeader.biSize = 40;
    infoHeader.biWidth = (LONG)image.m_width;
    infoHeader.biHeight = (LONG)image.m_height;
    infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    infoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
    infoHeader.biCompression = 0;
    infoHeader.biSizeImage = (DWORD) image.m_pixels.size();
    infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    infoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
    infoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
    header.bfSize = infoHeader.biSizeImage + header.bfOffBits;
    // write the data and close the file
    fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file);
    fwrite(&infoHeader, sizeof(infoHeader), 1, file);
    fwrite(&image.m_pixels[0], infoHeader.biSizeImage, 1, file);
    return true;

bool ImageLoad (const char *fileName, SImageData& imageData)
    // open the file if we can
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
    if (!file)
        return false;
    // read the headers if we can
    if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file) != 1 ||
        fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(infoHeader), 1, file) != 1 ||
        header.bfType != 0x4D42 || infoHeader.biBitCount != 24)
        return false;
    // read in our pixel data if we can. Note that it's in BGR order, and width is padded to the next power of 4
    fseek(file, header.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
    if (fread(&imageData.m_pixels[0], imageData.m_pixels.size(), 1, file) != 1)
        return false;
    imageData.m_width = infoHeader.biWidth;
    imageData.m_height = infoHeader.biHeight;
    imageData.m_pitch = 4 * ((imageData.m_width * 24 + 31) / 32);
    return true;

void ImageInit (SImageData& image, size_t width, size_t height)
    image.m_width = width;
    image.m_height = height;
    image.m_pitch = 4 * ((width * 24 + 31) / 32);
    image.m_pixels.resize(image.m_pitch * image.m_height);
    std::fill(image.m_pixels.begin(), image.m_pixels.end(), 0);

template <typename LAMBDA>
void ImageForEachPixel (SImageData& image, const LAMBDA& lambda)
    size_t pixelIndex = 0;
    for (size_t y = 0; y < image.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* pixel = (SColor*)&image.m_pixels[y * image.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < image.m_width; ++x)
            lambda(*pixel, pixelIndex);

template <typename LAMBDA>
void ImageForEachPixel (const SImageData& image, const LAMBDA& lambda)
    size_t pixelIndex = 0;
    for (size_t y = 0; y < image.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* pixel = (SColor*)&image.m_pixels[y * image.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < image.m_width; ++x)
            lambda(*pixel, pixelIndex);

void ImageConvertToLuma (SImageData& image)
        [] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
            float luma = float(pixel.R) * 0.3f + float(pixel.G) * 0.59f + float(pixel.B) * 0.11f;
            uint8 lumau8 = uint8(luma + 0.5f);
            pixel.R = lumau8;
            pixel.G = lumau8;
            pixel.B = lumau8;

void ImageCombine2 (const SImageData& imageA, const SImageData& imageB, SImageData& result)
    // put the images side by side. A on left, B on right
    ImageInit(result, imageA.m_width + imageB.m_width, max(imageA.m_height, imageB.m_height));
    std::fill(result.m_pixels.begin(), result.m_pixels.end(), 0);

    // image A on left
    for (size_t y = 0; y < imageA.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* destPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch];
        SColor* srcPixel = (SColor*)&imageA.m_pixels[y * imageA.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < imageA.m_width; ++x)
            destPixel[0] = srcPixel[0];

    // image B on right
    for (size_t y = 0; y < imageB.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* destPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch + imageA.m_width * 3];
        SColor* srcPixel = (SColor*)&imageB.m_pixels[y * imageB.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < imageB.m_width; ++x)
            destPixel[0] = srcPixel[0];

void ImageCombine3 (const SImageData& imageA, const SImageData& imageB, const SImageData& imageC, SImageData& result)
    // put the images side by side. A on left, B in middle, C on right
    ImageInit(result, imageA.m_width + imageB.m_width + imageC.m_width, max(max(imageA.m_height, imageB.m_height), imageC.m_height));
    std::fill(result.m_pixels.begin(), result.m_pixels.end(), 0);

    // image A on left
    for (size_t y = 0; y < imageA.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* destPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch];
        SColor* srcPixel = (SColor*)&imageA.m_pixels[y * imageA.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < imageA.m_width; ++x)
            destPixel[0] = srcPixel[0];

    // image B in middle
    for (size_t y = 0; y < imageB.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* destPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch + imageA.m_width * 3];
        SColor* srcPixel = (SColor*)&imageB.m_pixels[y * imageB.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < imageB.m_width; ++x)
            destPixel[0] = srcPixel[0];

    // image C on right
    for (size_t y = 0; y < imageC.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* destPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch + imageA.m_width * 3 + imageC.m_width * 3];
        SColor* srcPixel = (SColor*)&imageC.m_pixels[y * imageC.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < imageC.m_width; ++x)
            destPixel[0] = srcPixel[0];

float GoldenRatioMultiple (size_t multiple)
    return float(multiple) * (1.0f + std::sqrtf(5.0f)) / 2.0f;

void IntegrationTest (const SImageData& dither, const SImageData& groundTruth, size_t frameIndex, const char* label)
    // calculate min, max, total and average error
    size_t minError = 0;
    size_t maxError = 0;
    size_t totalError = 0;
    size_t pixelCount = 0;
    for (size_t y = 0; y < dither.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* ditherPixel = (SColor*)&dither.m_pixels[y * dither.m_pitch];
        SColor* truthPixel = (SColor*)&groundTruth.m_pixels[y * groundTruth.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < dither.m_width; ++x)
            size_t error = 0;
            if (ditherPixel->R > truthPixel->R)
                error = ditherPixel->R - truthPixel->R;
                error = truthPixel->R - ditherPixel->R;

            totalError += error;

            if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || error < minError)
                minError = error;

            if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || error > maxError)
                maxError = error;

    float averageError = float(totalError) / float(pixelCount);

    // calculate standard deviation
    float sumSquaredDiff = 0.0f;
    for (size_t y = 0; y < dither.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* ditherPixel = (SColor*)&dither.m_pixels[y * dither.m_pitch];
        SColor* truthPixel = (SColor*)&groundTruth.m_pixels[y * groundTruth.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < dither.m_width; ++x)
            size_t error = 0;
            if (ditherPixel->R > truthPixel->R)
                error = ditherPixel->R - truthPixel->R;
                error = truthPixel->R - ditherPixel->R;

            float diff = float(error) - averageError;

            sumSquaredDiff += diff*diff;
    float stdDev = std::sqrtf(sumSquaredDiff / float(pixelCount - 1));

    // report results
    fprintf(g_logFile, "%s %zu error\n", label, frameIndex);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  min error: %zu\n", minError);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  max error: %zu\n", maxError);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  avg error: %0.2f\n", averageError);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  stddev: %0.2f\n", stdDev);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "\n");

void HistogramTest (const SImageData& noise, size_t frameIndex, const char* label)
    std::array<size_t, 256> counts;
    std::fill(counts.begin(), counts.end(), 0);

        [&] (const SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)

    // calculate min, max, total and average
    size_t minCount = 0;
    size_t maxCount = 0;
    size_t totalCount = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        if (i == 0 || counts[i] < minCount)
            minCount = counts[i];

        if (i == 0 || counts[i] > maxCount)
            maxCount = counts[i];

        totalCount += counts[i];
    float averageCount = float(totalCount) / float(256.0f);

    // calculate standard deviation
    float sumSquaredDiff = 0.0f;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        float diff = float(counts[i]) - averageCount;
        sumSquaredDiff += diff*diff;
    float stdDev = std::sqrtf(sumSquaredDiff / 255.0f);

    // report results
    fprintf(g_logFile, "%s %zu histogram\n", label, frameIndex);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  min count: %zu\n", minCount);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  max count: %zu\n", maxCount);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  avg count: %0.2f\n", averageCount);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  stddev: %0.2f\n", stdDev);
    fprintf(g_logFile, "  counts: ");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        if (i > 0)
            fprintf(g_logFile, ", ");
        fprintf(g_logFile, "%zu", counts[i]);

    fprintf(g_logFile, "\n\n");

void GenerateWhiteNoise (SImageData& image, size_t width, size_t height)
    ImageInit(image, width, height);

    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 rng(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dist(0, 255);

        [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
            uint8 value = dist(rng);
            pixel.R = value;
            pixel.G = value;
            pixel.B = value;

void GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise (SImageData& image, size_t width, size_t height, float offsetX, float offsetY)
    ImageInit(image, width, height);

    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 rng(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dist(0, 255);

    for (size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        SColor* pixel = (SColor*)&image.m_pixels[y * image.m_pitch];
        for (size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            float valueFloat = std::fmodf(52.9829189f * std::fmod(0.06711056f*float(x + offsetX) + 0.00583715f*float(y + offsetY), 1.0f), 1.0f);
            size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 256.0f);
            uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
            pixel->R = value;
            pixel->G = value;
            pixel->B = value;

template <size_t NUM_SAMPLES>
void GenerateVanDerCoruptSequence (std::array<float, NUM_SAMPLES>& samples, size_t base)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; ++i)
        samples[i] = 0.0f;
        float denominator = float(base);
        size_t n = i;
        while (n > 0)
            size_t multiplier = n % base;
            samples[i] += float(multiplier) / denominator;
            n = n / base;
            denominator *= base;

void DitherWithTexture (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseImage, SImageData& result)
    // init the result image
    ImageInit(result, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    // make the result image
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ditherImage.m_height; ++y)
        SColor* srcDitherPixel = (SColor*)&ditherImage.m_pixels[y * ditherImage.m_pitch];
        SColor* destDitherPixel = (SColor*)&result.m_pixels[y * result.m_pitch];

        for (size_t x = 0; x < ditherImage.m_width; ++x)
            // tile the noise in case it isn't the same size as the image we are dithering
            size_t noiseX = x % noiseImage.m_width;
            size_t noiseY = y % noiseImage.m_height;
            SColor* noisePixel = (SColor*)&noiseImage.m_pixels[noiseY * noiseImage.m_pitch + noiseX * 3];

            uint8 value = 0;
            if (noisePixel->R < srcDitherPixel->R)
                value = 255;

            destDitherPixel->R = value;
            destDitherPixel->G = value;
            destDitherPixel->B = value;


void DitherWhiteNoise (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noise;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    // dither the image
    SImageData dither;
    DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

    // save the results
    SImageData combined;
    ImageCombine3(ditherImage, noise, dither, combined);
    ImageSave(combined, "out/still_whitenoise.bmp");

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoise (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noise;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // dither the image
    SImageData dither;
    DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

    // save the results
    SImageData combined;
    ImageCombine3(ditherImage, noise, dither, combined);
    ImageSave(combined, "out/still_ignoise.bmp");

void DitherBlueNoise (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& blueNoise)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // dither the image
    SImageData dither;
    DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, blueNoise, dither);

    // save the results
    SImageData combined;
    ImageCombine3(ditherImage, blueNoise, dither, combined);
    ImageSave(combined, "out/still_bluenoise.bmp");

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/anim_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // make noise
        SImageData noise;
        GenerateWhiteNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 rng(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(0.0f, 1000.0f);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/anim_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // make noise
        SImageData noise;
        GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, dist(rng), dist(rng));

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimated (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData blueNoise[8])
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/anim_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, blueNoise[i], dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(blueNoise[i], dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animint_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // make noise
        SImageData noise;
        GenerateWhiteNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 rng(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(0.0f, 1000.0f);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animint_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // make noise
        SImageData noise;
        GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noise, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, dist(rng), dist(rng));

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&](SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i + 1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData blueNoise[8])
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animint_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, blueNoise[i], dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(blueNoise[i], dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatio (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgr_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatio (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgr_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatio (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseSrc)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgr_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedUniform (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuni_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedUniform (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuni_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedUniform (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseSrc)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    SImageDataComplex noiseDFT;
    SImageData noiseDFTMag;

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuni_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // DFT the noise
        if (c_doDFT)
            ImageDFT(noise, noiseDFT);
            GetMagnitudeData(noiseDFT, noiseDFTMag);
            ImageInit(noiseDFTMag, noise.m_width, noise.m_height);
            std::fill(noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.begin(), noiseDFTMag.m_pixels.end(), 0);

        // Histogram test the noise
        HistogramTest(noise, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine3(noiseDFTMag, noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatioIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgrint_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatioIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgrint_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatioIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseSrc)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animgrint_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add golden ratio to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = GoldenRatioMultiple(i);
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedUniformIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuniint_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedUniformIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuniint_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedUniformIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseSrc)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animuniint_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = float(i) / 8.0f;
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherWhiteNoiseAnimatedVDCIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateWhiteNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // Make Van Der Corput sequence
    std::array<float, 8> VDC;
    GenerateVanDerCoruptSequence(VDC, 2);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animvdcint_whitenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = VDC[i];
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherInterleavedGradientNoiseAnimatedVDCIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    // make noise
    SImageData noiseSrc;
    GenerateInterleavedGradientNoise(noiseSrc, ditherImage.m_width, ditherImage.m_height, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // Make Van Der Corput sequence
    std::array<float, 8> VDC;
    GenerateVanDerCoruptSequence(VDC, 2);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animvdcint_ignoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = VDC[i];
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

void DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedVDCIntegrated (const SImageData& ditherImage, const SImageData& noiseSrc)
    printf("\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    std::vector<float> integration;
    integration.resize(ditherImage.m_width * ditherImage.m_height);
    std::fill(integration.begin(), integration.end(), 0.0f);

    SImageData noise;
    ImageInit(noise, noiseSrc.m_width, noiseSrc.m_height);

    // Make Van Der Corput sequence
    std::array<float, 8> VDC;
    GenerateVanDerCoruptSequence(VDC, 2);

    // animate 8 frames
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char fileName[256];
        sprintf(fileName, "out/animvdcint_bluenoise%zu.bmp", i);

        // add uniform value to the noise after each frame
        noise.m_pixels = noiseSrc.m_pixels;
        float add = VDC[i];
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float valueFloat = (float(pixel.R) / 255.0f) + add;
                size_t valueBig = size_t(valueFloat * 255.0f);
                uint8 value = uint8(valueBig % 256);
                pixel.R = value;
                pixel.G = value;
                pixel.B = value;

        // dither the image
        SImageData dither;
        DitherWithTexture(ditherImage, noise, dither);

        // integrate and put the current integration results into the dither image
            [&] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                float pixelValueFloat = float(pixel.R) / 255.0f;
                integration[pixelIndex] = Lerp(integration[pixelIndex], pixelValueFloat, 1.0f / float(i+1));

                uint8 integratedPixelValue = uint8(integration[pixelIndex] * 255.0f);
                pixel.R = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.G = integratedPixelValue;
                pixel.B = integratedPixelValue;

        // do an integration test
        IntegrationTest(dither, ditherImage, i, __FUNCTION__);

        // save the results
        SImageData combined;
        ImageCombine2(noise, dither, combined);
        ImageSave(combined, fileName);

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    // load the dither image and convert it to greyscale (luma)
    SImageData ditherImage;
    if (!ImageLoad("src/ditherimage.bmp", ditherImage))
        printf("Could not load src/ditherimage.bmp");
        return 0;

    // load the blue noise images.
    SImageData blueNoise[8];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        char buffer[256];
        sprintf(buffer, "src/BN%zu.bmp", i);
        if (!ImageLoad(buffer, blueNoise[i]))
            printf("Could not load %s", buffer);
            return 0;

        // They have different values in R, G, B so make R be the value for all channels
            [] (SColor& pixel, size_t pixelIndex)
                pixel.G = pixel.R;
                pixel.B = pixel.R;

    g_logFile = fopen("log.txt", "w+t");
    // still image dither tests
    DitherBlueNoise(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);

    // Animated dither tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimated(ditherImage, blueNoise);

    // Golden ratio animated dither tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatio(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);

    // Uniform animated dither tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedUniform(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);

    // Animated dither integration tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedIntegrated(ditherImage, blueNoise);

    // Golden ratio animated dither integration tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedGoldenRatioIntegrated(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);

    // Uniform animated dither integration tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedUniformIntegrated(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);

    // Van der corput animated dither integration tests
    DitherBlueNoiseAnimatedVDCIntegrated(ditherImage, blueNoise[0]);


    return 0;